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Class 10th English Subjective Question

The Pace For Living – R.C. Hutchinson Subjective Question Answer 2023 | Class 10th English (Prose) Chapter-1 The Pace For Living Question Paper Pdf Download Bihar Board For Matric Exam 2023

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The Pace For Living – R.C. Hutchinson Subjective Question

1. How has life become fast in modern times ?

Ans ⇒ The modern man can travel very fast. He can drive at ninety miles an hour in a car. He can have dinner in London one night and enjoy his lunch in New York the very next day.

2. Who was the chief character in the play ‘Hutchinson’ Watched ?
Or, Who was the chief character of the play The Pace for Living’.

Ans ⇒ The chief character of the play ‘The Pace for Living’ was an elderly corn-merchant, who lived in a small Irish country town.

3. How does the writer classify himself as a thinker?

Ans ⇒ The writer classifies himself as a slow thinker because he had to face many problems.

4. Who are taken to be slow thinkers ? How are the slow. thinkers, handicapped today ?

Ans ⇒ The people whose mental activities do not follow the pace of the machines are taken to be slow thinkers. The slow thinkers are handicapped today in getting a living. They find it difficult to get a good job because they do not adjust to the fast pace of life.

5. What is the writer’s opinion on travelling fast ?

Ans ⇒ The writer R. C. Hutchinson’s opinion is that travelling fast is good for enjoyment but where the speed becomes unfriendly it is not favourable.

Bihar Board Class 10th English vvi Subjective Question Answer

6. In which situation does the writer finds himself in the cinema ?

Ans ⇒ When the writer goes to the cinema, he finds himself in a hopeless situation. He cannot follow the fast movement of the story and rapid changes of scene and action. He has to seek his wife’s help in order to keep up with the rapid movement of the plot of the film.

7. What are the disadvantages of slow thinkers in the modern world ?

Ans ⇒ According to R. C. Hutchinson, slow thinkers cannot adjust their mental activities to the rapid pace of modern life. So, they are terribly handicapped in getting a living. They are left behind in the race of good jobs.

8. Write a few sentences about the elderly corn-merchant,
Or, What does writer say about the elderly corn-merchant ?

Ans ⇒ Once R. C. Hutchinson saw a play in Dublin. The main character in the play was an elderly corn-merchant who lived in a
small Irish country town. He had several anxieties. He was weak hearted and his nephew was cheating him. He was tired of the fast pace of life.

9. What enlightenment does the writer seek from his wife? What does it suggest about the plight of the modern man ?

Ans ⇒ The writer asks his wife whether the girl he was watching in the cinema was the same who was at first. It suggests that the modern man is not able to know his surrounding very well. He is too involved in the surrounding of his problems due to which he is not able to live his life in peace and harmony.

10. Life has become too fast today, how?

Ans ⇒ The essay ‘The Pace for Living’ conveys that today our life has become too fast but often it does not satisfy us. So, we need to make a balance between our life and thoughts. Only earning, spending and working more are not enough for a happy and peaceful life. One should not forget the art of happy living. One should remember that he is a human and not a machine.

Class 10th English Chapter-1 The Pace For Living Subjective Question Answer 2023

11. Where did the writer watch the play ? Who was the chief character in the play ?

Ans ⇒ The writer, R.C. Hutchinson, watched the play in Dublin. The chief character in the play was an elderly corp-merchant, in a small Irish town.

12. Does the writer dislike rapid movement in every field ?

Ans ⇒ The writer, R.C. Hutchinson, does not dislike rapid movement in every field. He enjoys going in a car at ninety miles an hour. He is fascinated by the aeroplanes flying at amazing speeds. He dislikes rapid speed of mental activities which follow the pace of machines.

13. What sort of excitement do we have today which our ancestors lack ? Is it an advantage or a disadvantage ?

Ans ⇒ The life-style of modern people has become very fast. Now, we have great facilities for rapid movement. In the modern age cars, trains and aeroplanes can carry us to different places hurriedly. Fast travel gives us a sense of drama and excitement which our ancestors lacked. This sort of excitement is an advantage but it excludes all the real pleasures of travel.

The Pace for Living Subjective Question Answer

14. “They tell me there’s an aeroplane now that goes at 1,000 miles an hour. Now that’s too fast!” What light does the remark of the corn-merchant throw on the pace of life today ?

Ans ⇒ The remark shows that today man’s life has become very fast. In fact, it is getting faster each day and due to which no one is satisfied with his life. Today people are able to earn well but don’t have enough time to spend it. It seems that today’s life has become like a machine.

Matric Exam English Subjective Question Answer 2023

1. The Pace For Living
2. Me And The Ecology Bit
3. Gillu
4. What Is Wrong with Indian Film
5. Acceptance speech
6. Once Upon A Time
7. The Unity Of Indian Culture
8. Little Girl Wiser Than Man
Indrajeet Kumar
मैं इंद्रजीत कुमार हूं. मैं पर एक ब्लॉगर और सामग्री निर्माता हूं। मेरे पास विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में अनुभव है जिसमें सरकारी नौकरियों के अपडेट, नवीनतम समाचार अपडेट, खेल, सरकारी योजनाएं, गेमिंग, राजनीति, तकनीकी रुझान, वित्त, सरकारी नीतियां आदि सहित विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में वर्तमान घटनाएं शामिल हैं।

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