दोस्तों अगर आप लोग बिहार बोर्ड इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा की तैयारी में जुटे हुए हैं और क्लास 12th इंग्लिश 100 मार्क्स का प्रश्न उत्तर पढ़ना चाहते हैं तो यहां पर आप लोगों को Class 12th English 100 Marks VVI Objective Question Answer नीचे दिया गया है जिसमें से आपको यहां पर An Epitaph Objective Question Answer दिया गया है तथा क्लास 12th इंग्लिश का मॉडल पेपर का पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं तथा क्लास 12th इंग्लिश का ऑनलाइन टेस्ट देना चाहते है तो आपको इस वेबसाइट पर मिल जाएगा –
AN EPITAPH (Poetry Section) Objective Question Answer
1. Walter de la Mare makes us aware of the …………
(A) inhuman conditions of modern life
(B) poverty
(C) dreams
(D) London life
2. Walter de la Mare was born in the year ………………
(A) 1853
(B) 1867
(C) 1873
(D) 1889
3. ‘An Epitaph’ deals with a beautiful-
(A) girl
(B) lady
(C) baby
(D) None of these
4. The lady mentioned in the poem, ‘An Epitaph’ belonged to-
(A) the North Country
(B) the East Country
(C) the West Country
(D) the south Country
5. The poetic device, which is used in the poem, ‘An Epitaph’ is –
(A) metaphor
(B) simile
(C) personification
(D) ambiguity
6. The term ‘crumble’ used in the poem, ‘An Epitaph’ means to –
(A) die
(B) live
(C) suffer
(D) None of these
7. ….. was honoured with the order of Merit in 1953.
(A) John Donne
(B) William Wordsworth
(C) Walter de la Mare
(D) Percy Bysshe Shelley
8. Who has composed the poem, ‘An Epitaph’?
(A) Walter de la Mare
(B) Rupert Brooke
(C) D.H. Lawrence
(D) W.H. Auden
an epitaph class 12 english question answer
9. Walter de la Mare belonged to…………. century.
(A) 19th
(B) 20th
(C) 18th
(D) None of these
10, Walter de la Mare received the ‘Order of Merit’ with Queen Elizabeth-II in –
(A) 1951
(B) 1952
(C) 1953
(D) 1954
11. Walter de la Mare was –
(A) a poet
(B) a novelist
(C) a short story-writer
(D) All of these
12. Walter de la Mare shows fresh interest in ………..themes.
(A) old
(B) medieval
(C) love
(D) None of these
13. Walter de la Mare’ has written the poem ?
(A) The Soldier
(B) Fire-Hymn
(C) Snake
(D) An Epitaph
14. Walter de la Mare Knewa ………. who is now dead.
(A) girl
(B) lady
(C) boy
(D) None of these
15. In Walter de la Mare’s songs, there is a note of :
(A) surprise
(B) excitement
(C) melancholy
(D) hope
16. The poet thinks that ………….. is not everlasting.
(A) beauty
(B) cruelty
(C) ugliness
(D) love
17. The lady, who is died, lies in the –
(A) garden
(B) grave
(C) field
(D) house with
18. ‘Light of step and heart was she’ is taken from –
(A) Fire-Hymn
(B) Snake
(C) An Epitaph
(D) The Soldier
an epitaph class 12 english objective
19. When I crumble, who will remember” is taken from :
(A) Fire-Hymn
(B) The Soldier
(C) An Epitaph
(D) Ode to Autumn
20. Ìn which peom does the poet express his sad feeling for a beautiful lady?
(A) To Autumn
(B) The Soldier
(C) An Epitaph
(D) Fire-Hymn
21. Who wrote the piece, ‘Why I am Not a Christian ?
(A) Bertrand Russell
(B) Shiga Naoya
(C) Dorothy L. Sayers
(D) Pearl S. Buck
22. However, rare-rare it be; And when I crumble ……..” is taken from
(A) Fire-Hymn
(B) Ode to Autumn
(C) Snake
(D) An Epitaph
- Class 12th English 100 Marks Objective Question Bihar Board Inter Exam 2023 का Prose Section & Poetry Section का ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन चैप्टर वाइज चैप्टर नीचे दिया गया है – All Objective Question Answer of English Class 12th 100 Marks [ Bihar Board 12th English Syllabus 2023 ]
➤ इंटर का अंग्रेजी { POETRY SECTION } का ऑब्जेक्टिव क्वेश्चन 2023
⚫ English 100 Marks Class 12th Objective S.N ENGLISH OBJECTIVE ( POETRY SECTION ) 1. Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe 2. Song of Myself 3. Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast 4. Ode To Autumn 5. An Epitaph 6. The Soldier 7. Macavity: The Mystery Cat 8. Fire Hymn 9. Snake 10. My Grand Mother’s House ⚫ English 100 Marks Class 12th Objective S.N ENGLISH OBJECTIVE ( PROSE SECTION ) 1. Indian Civilization and Culture 2. Bharat is My Home 3. A Pinch of Snuff 4. I Have a Dream 5. Ideas That Have Helped Mankind 6. The Artist 7. A Child Is Born 8. How Free is the Press 9. The Earth 10. Indian Through Traveller’s Eye 11. A Marriage Proposal
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